Hi, I'm an unmarried daughter under the age of 21 of an American citizen (18, to be exact) and I was wondering just how long the wait is before the case gets approved. I come from the Philippines, and I saw on some sites that Filipino's get a longer processing time. IDK if this is true or not. I'm just extremely nervous about everything, and I keep on refreshing the USCIS site to check for updates, all it says is that its processing.
My dad (the American citizen) asked me if I wanted to take a gap year before college, because the final say for the application and the start of the s.y might happen at the same time- I don't know if I should, in theory the same could be said by 2022 and I don't want to stop school just to wait.
God, if I'm like this only after a couple of months (the case was filed in September), I wonder how other people are doing- who have surely waited for their chance for much longer.
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/immigration/comments/k1sja5/how_long_is_the_wait_for_i130/