To start off, I recently lost my green card but decided it’d be better to apply for my Certificate of Citizenship since I was born outside the US but both my parents naturalized while I was a child so sometime in the early 2000s.
Unfortunately, their Certificates of Naturalization got lost sometime when we moved states and they don’t plan on replacing them so I’m not sure if I’ll have sufficient evidence for my application. I may be able to get vaccination records and I’m also enrolled in college, but I really have no other documents to prove my citizenship.
I never got a passport and I doubt I have sufficient evidence that I’m a citizen to apply for one. I’m also looking into a fee waiver since I’m unemployed, but I’m still living at home I might not qualify when my father’s income is also considered.
I’m trying to find a local immigration aid place to help with the process, but overall I’m very worried and anxious about applying and until I receive my N-600, I can’t get my license or state ID and similar documents because I have no proof of citizenship. I also need since my school asks for proof of citizenship when applying for financial aid.
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